Pine Class

Pine Class teacher is: Sarah Wootton and Emily Beck


Sarah WoottonEmily Beck

You can email Sarah on:

You can email Emily on: 

Pine Class - Explorers Department

Maple Nursery Class is an action-packed, nurturing and fun learning environment. We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and are assessed against the Rainbow Profile, with a play-based, in the moment learning approach, following the children’s interests and using children’s ‘Wow Weeks’ to influence our weekly planning. Our aim is to promote as much independence as possible throughout our sessions, such as washing our hands, feeding ourselves and helping to tidy the toys away, as well as working on physical and communication skills daily. We love being outdoors, playing hide and seek and exploring during our Forest School sessions. Some of our favourite parts of the week are Hydrotherapy, Rebound Therapy and our music and story sessions!

Please click below to read our newsletters:

Autumn Term 2023

Spring Term 2024

Summer Term 2024