What is Evidence for Learning (EfL)?
Evidence for Learning is the online system our school uses to capture and record progress of your child's learning. You will hear school staff refer to this simply as EfL.
Parent View Portal:
The Parent View Portal can be accessed by any internet connect device (iOS, Android, PC, Mac, etc.)
We will sharing evidence of your child’s learning at school through:
* Photos
* Comments
* Videos
* Learning Journey’s (Reports)
How to access your child’s evidence:
To access the Parent portal you will be sent login details via two emails, the first email will contain a unique link to a secure webpage (please save it to your favourites or save the email for future reference) and the second email will contain your password.
Please note: The automated emails will come from TheTeacherCloud (the company who own Evidence for Learning - these might go in your Junk Mail )
If you ever need your password resetting or access instructions please contact your child's class teacher.