Hazel Class

Hazel Class teacher is: Rachel Hutchinson 

   Rachel Hutchinson


You can email Rachel on: rachel.hutchinson@saxon.set.org

Hazel Class - Explorers Department

Hazel Class in the Explorers department is an action-packed non-stop fly by the minute fun learning environment. We are full of energy and just love to explore and get stuck right in. Some of our favourite parts of the week are: Squiggle while you wiggle, Hydrotherapy, Rebound Therapy and waking up Freddy our phonics frog every day! We love the outdoors, and especially enjoy exploring the environment in different ways during our Forest School sessions.

Pupils in Hazel Class follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and the National Curriculum on the semi formal/formal pathway and are assessed against the Rainbow Profile. We offer a good balance of focused Maths, Literacy, Science and Phonics learning opportunities throughout the week, as well as encouraging child-initiated learning to take place by offering a stimulating learning environment with different areas to explore, such as the role-play area, construction area, reading garden and funky fingers area where we practice our fine motor skills with different fun activities!

Our topics build on children’s previous learning and our aim is to promote as much independence throughout the school day as we can, from hanging up our own coats, to feeding ourselves and helping to tidy the toys away. We have a total communication environment, whether it be Makaton signs, PODD symbols, Tobi symbols or spoken language, we encourage it all, as we believe the more clues given when communicating, then the better understanding the pupils will have. 

We are passionate about building curious minds and believe that children learn best when they are fully immersed in doing what they love and what interests them most. We therefore recognise the importance of enabling this magic to happen by planning activities according to their interests shown both within school and at home. The relationships we have developed and our regular and close contact with parents is something we are proud of and enables us to work closely with the pupils in Hazel Class.

Please click below to read our newsletters:

Autumn Term 2023

Spring Term 2024

Summer Term 2024